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Page updated April 2022 (This was a 2014/2015 page)
April 2022-Current YouTube links to some
of my old shows:
If you
subscribe to my YouTube channel then watch out for more shows in the future
Jeopardy 2 TV Quiz Show 1996 - YouTube
JEOPARDY 1 - 1996 - YouTube
TV QUIZ INTROS 1982-2013
(8) David St John - TV quiz show intros 1982-2013 - YouTube
WINNER TAKES ALL PT 1 1988 - YouTube
Britain's Most Prolific TV Quiz Show
Blog 2014 - see the ITV 'Come On Down - The Game Show
Story' video clip
Blog 2015- see the BBC Midlands Today clip
Also- see:

Yours Quizzically- Confessions of a TV Quiz Addict
This is now available in paperback @ £10.01
(free postage) or e-book on
Kindle/Amazon @ only £2.99 - cheaper than chips! Much cheaper than a
cup of hot Costa froth!
August 2014
It's official! Following on from my 2013
national press coverage, I was contacted by the Guinness Book Of World Records,
who accepted my claim and requested proof in the form of DVD footage of my
transmitted quiz show appearances plus any relevant correspondence from the
programme makers. I have appeared on 30 main shows but they count extra shows,
by virtue of subsequent shows as a 'returning' champion etc. The original claim
is for 36 appearances, and missing a couple of recordings, but hope to track
down the footage. My entry was published in the 2016 Guinness World
Records Book, published in autumn 2015

In March of 2014, I was also contacted by ITV
who were recording a new prime time four part series on TV quiz and game shows,
so were well aware of my past history. I recorded an interview in Manchester,
followed by another recording a few weeks later alongside Bradley Walsh with a
special surprise feature for the show! My segment was in show three and you can
see an edited clip on:
Presented by Bradley Walsh
Four part series-from Sunday 10th August
at 7pm ITV

recorded a 90 minute
interview in March
2014, in Manchester,
and was told they
might scroll my 30+
shows on the
backdrop (green
However, they only
showed a short edit
as time is always
tight on these
pub quiz was filmed
in May and a genuine
surprise for
the pub crowd when
Bradley rolled up,
entered the door and
asked if 'his team'
can join in the
quiz. We were there
for a good 90
minutes, as we
recorded a round and
a short segment was
Bradley enjoyed
it so much- he asked
for another quiz
round! Yes- we did
win.... It was The
White Lion pub
Liverpool Rd-
opposite Museum Of
Science and
Technology. Prior to
this- we were hiding
'under cover' in the
next pub up the road
at The Oxnoble and
had great
laughs,food, drink
Monday 11th August 2014
Daily Express
"Made it, Ma! Top of the
(Jimmy Cagney - 'White
Heat' 1949)
The story broke!
Probably one of the most unusual TV quiz show contestants
around! David has been in the entertainment business for most of his life,
starting out as a ten year old rock and roll singer, before spending much of the
Sixties and Seventies as lead vocalist/frontman for several pop groups around
his hometown of Southampton. He did well with his education, in a variety of
subjects, although being asked to leave his grammar school at the age of 16, due
to an increasing interest in the pop industry, along with a general
dissatisfaction of teaching methods. The next few years were spent in a variety
of ‘day jobs’ whilst enjoying the evening delights of the ‘Swinging Sixties’,
including working as a driver, tenpin bowling alley mechanic, amusement machine
engineer, photographer, and a short spell as a steeplejack!
Since launching into a solo career, David has been working
the showbusiness circuit for some 38 years, with an all round mix of stand-up
comedy, impressions, vocals and much more. He has appeared all over the UK and
abroad, on the club, hotel, holiday centre circuits, as well as some successful
cruise work around the Caribbean and Eastern Mediterranean. David has also
performed alongside many top names in the entertainment profession, as well as a
few odd TV appearances in various shows, but was always determined to get more
exposure in a much different way! Thanks to his father, David had a love of
books from an early age, preferring non fiction and his favourite reading was
usually encyclopaedias, being fascinated by trivia and having a superb memory
and instant recall, which would later be rewarded.
Apart from his beloved trivia, David has always been able
to remember hundreds of song lyrics and jokes, throughout his long career, and
many of his (envious) friends often teased him about this, although conveniently
forgetting how beneficial this was to his career. He was then motivated by all
this, being amused by similar comments, such as ‘What’s the use of knowing all
this trivia?" The next step? Go for a TV quiz!
His first audition, back in 1982, led him on the long road
to Norwich, for the "Quiz of the Week", and his first taste of the wonderful
world of TV quiz shows, appearing on ‘Sale of the Century’. David stormed his
way through this first experience, as well as having a few laughs along the way,
being cool, calm and collected on the outside, but having a busy brain working
at full speed on the inside! He duly won this show, which gave him the taste for
future TV quizzes, the next one being a bonus surprise from the first
David got a call from Grundy Television, as they were
looking for top winners, from the ‘Sale of the Century’ to take part in an
InterContinental ‘Ashes’ challenge, between the GB champions, and their
Australian counterparts. He was one of several all-winners, who were auditioned
and then selected as a nine player team, flown out to Melbourne, on a Cathay
Pacific 747 business class flight, with VIP treatment all the way! Limos at the
airport, plus four star hotel treatment – what more could a quizzer wish
Unbeknown to David, he was not aware of his fellow
contestants, or their prowess and reputation, then was seeded against one Daphne
'Egghead' Fowler in a preliminary heat, and the outcome can only be imagined! Having two
weeks in Australia was more than a consolation prize, and upon returning to the
UK, he then set out on a long trail of TV quiz shows – this is the full list so
(30 appearances at February 2013) 34 including
1982 "Sale of the Century" Champion
1986 "Sale of the Century" *Australia* Member of G.B.
all-winners team
1986 "Music Match" Panel game
1987 "Chain Letters" Champion
1987 "Winner Takes All" Champion
1989 "Keynotes" Panel game
1990 "Brainwave"
1990 "Star Quality"
1990 "Talkabout" Champion
1995 "Timekeepers"
1996 "Jeopardy" Champion
1997 "15 to 1"
1998 "Wipeout" Champion
2001 "The Weakest Link"
2001 "Defectors"
2001 "Number One"
2001 "The Biggest Game In Town"
2002 "No Win – No Fee"
2002 "The Machine" Champion
2002 "Judgemental" Panellist
2003 "Brainteaser" Champion
2004 "Memory Bank"
2006 "Rovers Return Quiz Night" Champion
2007 "The Peoples Quiz" Audition
transmitted as part of the actual show
2008 "Eggheads" Team of challengers
and tried to crack those
Read about this show
2009 "A Question Of Genius" My 25th TV quiz
show! Three consecutive days
2009 "Wordplay" Live daytime word based
game- runner-up
2009 "Wordplay Plus" Champion
2012 "The Chase" ITV hosted by Bradley
Chase (series 5)
2013 "Face The Clock" Runner up - show hosted
by Rory Bremner
I will be editing some short clips for You Tube in the
near future so please check back here.
You can check out all of these shows on the UK Game Show
website, dedicated to TV quiz shows:
It might even set you on the same path!
Another site
is or try
Television <<<---
Follow this link for full info page

My first show, was a great baptism into this strange world
of TV quizzes, and it does get you hooked, as many fellow quizaholics will
testify. This classic show was hosted by the brilliant Nicholas Parsons, one of
the finest quiz show hosts in the business, although being just one of his many
talents, which have kept him in the public eye over the decades, and he is
forever being ‘re-invented’ and ‘re-discovered’! I have also had the pleasure of
meeting him, on a couple of occasions since that fateful show, and you couldn’t
wish for a nicer guy. His prowess as a fast-talking, but articulate
intelligent quizmaster is well known– he didn’t want any waffle to get in the
way of the matter at hand, and was keen to get as many questions in as possible.
I was one of three contestants, including a very clever middle aged lady and a
parish priest – what a contrast! Even funnier still, was when I managed to beat
the vicar on the buzzer, for a Bible question
– he was quite red faced about this, but took it in good fun - a nice
chap. Just click on the header link to find out more......
CENTURY ASHES 1986 Intercontinental
<<<--- Follow this link for full info page
I took a phone call, thinking this was a wind-up, as some
person asked me if I was ‘interested in going to Australia’ – I know that some
of my 19th century relatives were
also ‘persuaded’ to go Down Under, albeit in chains! Luckily, I didn’t give them
a mouthful, and discovered that they were auditioning a few Sale of the Century
champions, to take part in an ‘Ashes’ type contest, competing against the
Australian all winners. I went to London, and was auditioned, interviewed,
photographed, then waited for the call, which came a week later – Yes!!
What a contrast to the low budget TV quiz shows, as seen
in the UK at that time – the Australian version was a big budget production,
thanks to heavy advertising and highly commercial television in that beautiful
country. Nine of us were flown out First Class, on a Cathay Pacific 747, with
the added bonus of half a day stopover in Hong Kong, which I spent wandering all
over this vibrant city –amazing experience. One of the contestants, a
middle-aged lady seemed to keep to herself, on the flight over, and spending
much of her spare time, by reading reference books, plus listening to cassette
tapes, which were obviously part of her ‘homework’ on quiz shows – serious or
After a few days of chilling out, in Melbourne, we watched
the first recordings of the Australian champions, and they were impressive – one
of them being a top scientist, so I’m thinking "Oh oh…" Time for
our own GB knockout elimination heats, and I was seeded up against a bright travel agent, plus this
aforementioned lady- none other than Daphne Fowler, whose reputation needs no
explanation in here! Needless to say, she was far too quick on the buzzer,
although I was milliseconds behind her on so many questions, and was therefore
consigned to the audience seats, after a hectic few rounds, against this former
brilliant and dedicated ‘Brain of Britain’ and much more- bless
Just click on the header link to find out more...... You can read more on
Daphne at:
This was a great little show – a BBC panel game, based on
music played by the resident Laurie Holloway band, recorded at the main BBC
studios in London. This show was hosted by the multi-talented Barry Cryer, whom
I had always respected for his own comedy work over the years. Again, he was a
pleasure to meet, and we all had a few laughs on this show, which featured two
teams - ladies captained by Liza Goddard and our male team led by Willie Rushton, another comedy
genius! No prizes on this show, but a light hearted ad-libbing show, where I was
able to throw in a few one-liners, some of which were edited out, in deference
to the ‘stars’! I was informed, off the cuff, that I was slightly
‘overshadowing’ the celebs – a lesson to be learnt further down the
line……… By the way-our team of three thrashed the
CHAIN LETTERS 1987 Tyne Tees

Courtesy Tyne Tees Television/Action Time
Another successful audition, then up to
Newcastle Upon Tyne, for show number four! Love him or hate him – the host was
the much maligned Jeremy Beadle, but I enjoyed this great experience, and you
couldn’t wish for a nicer guy, who took the time out to chat with all the
contestants, to put them at ease (not me – Mr Super Cool!) He was the ultimate professional, and
a superb quizmaster, who hosted this fast-moving word game, which was a very
close show throughout, but I just managed to scrape in at the last hurdle, to be
outright winner – what a feeling! I'm not that good on word-game shows as
I don't do crosswords or play Scrabble and much prefer fast furious general
knowledge quizzes on the buzzer.
Beadle was also a very clever guy himself, and we
had a nice chat after the show about all manner of things, plus we also received
a Longmans Dictionary which he is signing in this photo below

He also wrote a nice little message too: "May a bright
star guide you always.......Jeremy" Nice.
January 2008 Jeremy Beadle sadly
passed away after a short illness but left behind a great legacy. I am glad to
have met him along my TV quiz path and very few presenters could match this
talented guy. I am sure that Jeremy's own bright star is still guiding
him and was a great quizzer in his own right.
Look at me - always hugging the

Courtesy Yorkshire Television
Same year, and another TV quiz show! This was hosted by
Geoffrey Wheeler, a well respected broadcaster, who actually devised this
classic show, although only providing the voiceovers, throughout the earlier
series, hosted by Jimmy Tarbuck. This was recorded at Yorkshire Television
studio in Leeds, and I managed to win two shows, before stumbling on the third,
due to a couple of silly wrong answers, and duly kicking myself in the process!
Never mind – a champion yet again, and raring to go for the next

Courtesy Grundy TV
Off to the HTV studios in Bristol, to record Keynotes –
the first programme of a new series, based on snatches of music playbacks, with
two teams of three people trying to guess the tune, in between the missing
notes, as well as answering music questions linked to each round. This show was
hosted by the likeable Alistair Divall, and was aimed at the morning television
slot, being a light hearted fun game and giving us a all a chance for a few
laughs. I was grouped up with two strangers, and one of them was a guy called
Chris Marshall, who only lived a few miles away from me, in the Midlands – more
of him later…

Courtesy BBC Television
Brainwave took me to Liverpool,
including a night’s stopover at the luxurious Adelphi Hotel! I competed against
a rather pompous old lady who objected to
my rather light-hearted approach to the proceedings during a small break. She managed to beat me
on the final question, going onto the jackpot round, which she failed to win -
this amused me of course. This show, hosted by Andy Craig, featured ‘celebrity help’ from
guest experts on various subjects, who could be called upon to assist in any
relevant question, including Bill Cotton Jr on entertainment, but I didn’t need help on
that subject! Other assistants were Oz Clark on food and wine, along
with Dr Stephan Bucwezi as the gardening brain, plus a sporting expert, and
quite an interesting show.

Courtesy HTV
This was a show that was more suited to me, being based on
entertainers, who were put through their paces, on this showbusiness game, with
a live audience, who also sat in judgement on the acts! Hosted by Gyles
Brandreth, this show consisted of four entertainers walking round a floor-based gameboard, and answering questions, with a chance to do a short performance,
plus a spot at the end of the show. I wasn’t lucky enough to land on too many
‘lucky’ squares, but did a small stand-up comedy spot at the end of the show.
Who cares – it was fun! Gyles Brandreth has had an amazing career in
politics as as well as being a prolific author, raconteur with many TV
appearances as a presenter. Currently (2014) with regular slots on BBCs
'The One Show'. He had also just published a very entertaining book- " The
Seven Secrets Of Happiness" and well worth a read- linked to his current UK tour
Check out his own website:
Back to Leeds yet again, for a show with a difference, and
a chance to team up with Chris 'Zippy' Marshall, from the previous Keynotes show
just over a year before. This
was a great fast-moving show, hosted by the multi-talented Andrew O’Connor, and
we hit it off well, coming from similar backgrounds! The show was based on teams
of two people, and each player had a minute to talk about given subjects, hoping
to match ‘keywords’ which would prevent the opposition from guessing what was
being ‘talked about’ hence the show’ name. Chris and I (both fast-talking
players!) managed to unseat the reigning champions, and we went onto become
outright winners of this show, which was yet another excellent programme with a
difference! We also had loads of laughs, with Chris and I doing a virtual comedy
double act with gags, impressions and plenty of banter with Andrew who managed
to cope with the madness. As for Chris's nickname above - we did a 'Rainbow'
skit and you can guess which voice he did well!
Quite a tough game, based on general knowledge against the
clock, and this show was recorded in Manchester, hosted by Bill Dod. There was
some strong opposition on this outing, but still an enjoyable experience, as are
most TV quiz shows – it’s great to take part, even if not winning anything, and
I just love being on any such show – it’s quite addictive!
Yet another excellent production from Action Time, one of
the leading quiz and game show companies in the business, and this has been my
favourite show of all time, hosted by Paul Ross, no stranger to TV quiz shows!
This was recorded at Central (now Carlton) studios in Nottingham, and was the UK
version of one of the most popular successful US shows, brought to these shores.
A game with a difference – you chose the subject, then got the answer read out,
whereby you had to give the question which related to it! A very fast buzzer
round, plus a gambling element as you could lose many accumulated points, if
giving a wrong answer – even incorrectly worded in the form of a question! When
I joined the show, I was up against two other players, one of whom was a lady
champion, returning yet again, to (hopefully) go on to win a series of shows,
for a bonus jackpot. Luckily, I was on top form, and went onto blast my way
through the show, and racking up one of the highest scores in the whole series,
as well as knocking the reigning champion of her perch! I then went onto stuff
the next two players on show number two, but didn’t quite manage to sustain my
winning run for the third show, due to some bad luck on a final
One of the classic quizzes of all times, and one of the
toughest! I was looking forward to this particular show, although knowing that I
might be ‘voted out’ on the whim of fellow contestants. This was the start of
many similar shows to come, whereby a player might be perceived as a ‘threat’,
so could lose the chance to win, despite being a strong player! I felt unlucky
on Fifteen to One, as my first question, cast by William G. Stewart, was one of
those long-winded convoluted types that get you thinking all the way through the
various clues, but result in a wrong answer! I much prefer straightforward quick
action buzzer rounds, where knowledge plus that all important instant recall
come into play, and I then fell at the first round hurdle, by getting my second
question wrong, thus sealing my fate! One of those annoying questions, to which
I knew of two answers – I went for the incorrect choice! I note that many well
known quiz players have also fell at this first stage, despite winning many
other shows, so this made it bearable, but determined to do well on my next
bash! Fifteen to One was filmed at a small Wandsworth studio, to which I would
return some four years later, with a much more formidable host at the
Another great show, and the bonus of meeting my comedy
idol – Bob Monkhouse, King of the Game Show hosts! I had appeared alongside him,
several years before, on the Butlins circuit, as well as auditioning for ‘Bob’s
Opportunity Knocks’, so it was a pleasure to see the master at work yet again.
Recorded in Manchester, I was one of three contestants playing for a ‘holiday’,
and enjoyed this board type game, full of tricky choice words that needed to be
eliminated. A mix of knowledge and guesswork, that was lucky for me yet again,
racking up another game show win, plus the chance to crack a couple of gags and
a quick impression, thanks to Bob’s prompting! December 2003 - Bob passed
away and showbusiness mourned one of its greatest stars who will be remembered
as 'the 'Master' for a long time to come. Again, like Jeremy Beadle,
I was glad to have met this real star and you could not have wished to meet a
nicer chap.

Michael Barrymore's 'My Kind Of People' audition in
Linked to 'My Kind Of Music'-lucky I wasn't invited to his
swimming pool party.....
Yes - one of the big ones! Once again, a confrontational
type of quiz, that could see a player voted off, for the most spurious of
reasons eg his/her occupation, location or merely the colour of a shirt! This
was during the early part of this series, that soon became a massive hit, and
one of the most popular quizzes of its kind, spawning many similar ‘nasty’
shows, that have proliferated over recent years. Anne Robinson was just getting
into her stride at this stage, but I was ready for anything, having been a
comedy entertainer for many years, with the necessary thick skin plus suitable
answers to anything that might have been thrown at me! I decided to keep a low
profile for this show, and travelled down the night before, then not deciding to
mingle with any fellow contestants around the hotel, just in case I was
‘recognised’ as a possible ‘threat’!
On the morning, I strolled casually into the same
Wandsworth studio, where I took part in the previous Fifteen to One, then faced
my ‘rivals’ in the Green Room. I was immediately scrutinised by the other
contestants, and a few light-hearted comments were made "Oh – you’ve been on a
few TV quiz shows, haven’t you?" etc. We then traipsed into the dark forbidden
studio, and after a few checks, we were graced with the presence of Miss
Whiplash herself! No preliminaries – straight into the no nonsense game, and I
felt good and confident, banging in the questions and some good banking as
Relief at not being bounced on Round One – this axe fell
on some unlucky American guy who missed out on a couple of easy questions, but
were UK based culture, which went against him. Then the crunch – I got a first
question wrong, being a bit too hasty on answering a question, to which I knew
the answer, but the brain told my mouth to spurt out another one, which was
related to the subject. Kept at it, getting some more right, but then stumbled
on a bad luck question, not aided by Ms Robinson’s pronunciation! It was an
ambiguous-sounding question, to which I merely repeated part of the poser (more
of a query) but was pounced on by the lady in black, as a wrong answer. Then
came the voting, and I was surprised to have been voted out, despite not being
the weakest link in the round, and got that sinking annoying feeling, as the
votes were revealed one by one! I was confident of being able to stuff most of
the other remaining players, but not on this occasion….. I was even more annoyed
at not being able to have some fun with Anne Robinson, as she didn’t intimidate
me one bit, and we only had a brief laugh, as I was given my marching orders!
Who cares – it was a great experience and another notch.
This show, recorded in Manchester, comprised ten players,
who were to play against each other, moving up and down the podiums (or podia?)
depending on the whim of fellow contestants – yes, one of ‘those’ shows again!
Hosted by Channel 4 newsreader Krishnan Guru-Murthy - we were lucky enough not
to have been asked to spell his name for one of the questions! Quite a high
standard of general knowledge in this show, and some fairly tough opposition,
whereby leading players could get his/her rivals voted down the line, and into
the dreaded ‘elimination zone’. I enjoyed this fast and furious game, managing
to stay in the higher positions, including the ‘Number One’ spot for some while,
before being booted off, by another rival! I ended up a close second on this
show, which was won by one of those nerdy ‘serious quizzers’ who spend much of
their leisure time, doing big time quiz league stuff – yawn…….
My first ever ‘live’ TV quiz show! My third show in the
same year, and back to Manchester for this midday show, with three players, and
based on a bingo type game. Much of it was based on the day’s newspapers, so I
had to brush up by reading through a few morning papers, which helped me to
recall some really trivial nonsense of the day! This show was ably hosted by the
smooth Steve LeFevre, and everything worked well on this live show, which
certainly kept the adrenalin levels up for everybody connected with the
broadcast. Once again, I was pipped to the post, by one point, and failing to
qualify for the cash jackpot, which I could have walked easy, based on the
questions that followed, but not won by the other player.
This was my first recording of 2002, but a complete waste
of time as far as not being able to be ‘tested’ on my knowledge! An unusual
show, recorded at Wembley Studios (The Kumars were next door!) whereby host Paul
Ross was at the mercy of the possible jackpot winner, as he would only get paid
for doing the show, if the finalist didn’t get their last question right!
Another one of those shows, whereby other players chose those rivals to answer
particular questions, depending on perception and stereotypes etc. I wasn’t
selected to ask or be asked any questions until the last section, then being
eliminated, by the fact that my opponent got a very easy poser to answer – so
‘David – Goodbye!"

This unusual show was recorded in a tiny studio, on the
outskirts of Manchester, and was a straightforward general knowledge quiz with a
difference. The contestants were sat in a futuristic cyber-style chair, facing a
giant screen with the questions and multiple choice answers popping up, plus a
ticking clock, eating away at the points and wrong answers that penalised you
even further. The ‘host’ of this show was not seen, except for added graphics,
and voice-synthesised at the post production stage – she was a sexy ‘cyborg’ who
asked the questions, along with some gentle teasing should wrong questions be
offered. Fortunately, the lady’s voice was ‘normal’ and heard but not seen,
during this show, which was a fun thing to do – a show with a difference, but
only being broadcast around the 1 a.m. slot. It was a straightforward individual
quiz, and the show’s winning scores went onto a running scoreboard for the
series, and I managed to blast my way to the heat winner’s standing yet again,
whilst my rivals racked many a minus score, much to their
embarrassment! April 2012- I am now starting to edit clips of my TV
quiz shows onto You Tube and here is my first effort for 'The Machine'
My last show of this year was as a contestant
with a difference -
a member of the ‘Workforce’ – a panel of four, who were chosen to answer
questions on specific questions by the two main players. The contestants were
given very basic information on these strangers, and had to guess who might be
knowledgeable on this very subject – again based on age, style, stereotypes with
more personal information being made available. Hosted by BBC newsreader – the
glamorous Sophie Raworth, who kept this fair-paced show moving well, along with
some adroit questioning of ‘motives’ as each main player was asked to explain
their reasons for picking certain ‘Workforce’ panellists. This show was recorded
at the South Bank studios, next to the Thames, so offered a good day out, as
well as taking part in this interesting show, although I would have preferred to
play the game, as opposed to being a possible ‘expert’ on any given
Well here we go – show number 20, and my only show of
2003, transmitted LIVE in Oxford, at the tiniest studio imaginable (even
the mice were hunchback!) This broadcast was hosted by the gorgeous Alex Lovell who did a
terrific, but difficult task, with fast-moving rounds, ad-breaks plus phone-in
players to contend with. She is one of the most competent hosts I have had the
pleasure to appear with, and we had a few laughs throughout the live show and
beyond. Not exactly my kind of ideal show, based on word games and anagrams –
more suited to a Countdown or Scrabble –type player, although there was a fair
element of general knowledge as well.
Once again, I managed to storm my way through this show,
and managed to reach the jackpot final, but didn’t qualify for a high bonus,
having got stuck on one of those relatively easy wordmixes, that just wouldn’t
register with the old brain! Never mind – I was a champion yet again, which made
it all worthwhile and especially on a word-based show.

Alex Lovell - Phwooaaaar! Click on this image for her own
Back to Oxford again, to the same studio in which I won
Brainteaser just over a year before! Memory Bank, hosted by the very
attractive and capable
Rachel Pierman, transmitted LIVE and one of those slightly difficult memory
games, based on trying to remember some 15 'hidden' symbols on a grid etc.
I did approach this game with some trepidation, as this was a slightly awkward
short term memory-based shows, as opposed to my preference for trivia-based
gameplays - mind you, I felt the same when appearing on Brainteaser just over a
year before! This was to be my only show of 2004 although I feel that there
are not that many of my kind of TV quiz shows around of late. Another
aspect might be that my history of appearance can possibly have a downside, when
auditioning for new shows? One has to put down any previous shows whenever
going for these interviews and many a researcher has been stunned to see what
I've been up to over all these years!
The odds weren't bad though - just three players and I was
sat between two young ladies so that was a bonus ;o) My heart sank when seeing
that dreaded first grid, which was the much feared 'smiley faces'
board and my brain couldn't handle this round, although I managed to claw my
back up in round two which resulted in a close scoring finish. Again,
another good day out at the smallest studio in the business, and the show is now
moving down to Bristol so it will be interesting to see any developments.
This was another Endemol backed production and very friendly crew, researchers,
assistants plus a few laughs with Rachel, so proving that it is fun, when taking
part in any TV quiz show and a bonus if you manage to win anything. Right
- that's it for the moment and now itching to go for whatever comes next!

Rachel Pierman Memory Bank presenter
July 2006 At last - another TV quiz show!
Just click on this picture below to learn more

September 2008
Show number 24 and a team effort on one of the
most popular TV quiz shows in recent years. Me and four fellow comedians take on
the mighty

Just click on the image above or the link to read
all about this challenge
March 2009
Another milestone as I reach my 25th TV Quiz
show and one of the toughest so far! Recorded in March and was transmitted
on April 14/15/16 on BBC2

Recorded at BBC
Glasgow and a fantastic production team who went out of their way to look after
the contestants. Superbly hosted by Kirsty Wark and a very good gameplay
which really builds - fast and furious with a slightly higher level range of
questions than most TV
quiz shows. I was away when 'Genius' was transmitted and unfortunately had
problems with recording the three shows that I appeared on. Another
contestant kindly sent me a copy of the first show but I doubt if I can trace
the other two.
Not one of my most successful quiz appearances
as I was up against a number of very good players in a fast furious knock-out
elimination round scenario and just a few milliseconds behind other contestants
throughout the first two segments. Many of the high standard players were
ex university types and high profile professionals so quite daunting but fun!
Unfortunately, they edited out the
first round due to the tight time limitations for the actual show that went out
which was a shame as I managed to qualify for my three appearances by buzzing in
to answer correctly which then took me into the next round. One one
occasion, I was the first player to bash the button so quite chuffed about that
but sad that they cut this all out. I will add more info + pics soon.
June 10th 2009
Show no. 26 and LIVE! A very good
daytime show transmitted live from London's West End at 12-55 so a great way to
avoid the depressing news!

I'm not usually into word based shows as opposed
to general knowledge and trivia type productions, although I had been successful
on Chain Letters, Brainteaser and Wordplay in the past. After applying and being
auditioned, I got the call to say that I was selected and so made the journey
down to London the day before in readiness for the morning calltime at the
studio off Tottenham Court Road. Great team of researchers and a nice
friendly mix of fellow contestants so it made for another good quizzing day out
as opposed to the 'nasty' types of show in which players are pushed into voting
rivals off for any spurious reason or who they consider a 'threat' We all
got on very well and had some laughs throughout the day - this made for a good
show and it showed as we faced the prospect of live TV.

Another buzzer to bash at the start of the show!
Basic idea is a mix of rounds with anagrams,
word association although some degree of general knowledge is needed on certain
questions. Hosted by the gorgeous Jenny Faulkner who has no problems with
hosting a live show, which is no mean feat with all the different duties.
She has to use autocue for part of the show, then her own question screen as
well as talking to the players plus having instructions down her earpiece from
the gallery but looking so relaxed and in command of the whole show. Then,
in between the studio rounds, she has to convey the viewers' question on the
phone-in side which offers a lot of money in return for the price of a call!
Game features four players at the start and
this was our line up below:

Wordplay 10 June 2009
The 50 minute show sees 3 out the 4 players
eliminated via the first three rounds and I made it to the final two up against
the 6'5" Dan! He then went onto attain a higher score so then went
onto the jackpot round in which a number of correct answers 'opens the safe' but
sadly didn't quite manage this due to some difficult rounds against the clock.
The eliminated players then return at 2-50 for a final short ten minute play-off
round of Wordplay Plus so we had a break and then back into the studio for the
last segment in which I managed the highest score thus qualifying me to return
for another chance on the main show. Unfortunately, I was not able to slot in my
return as the series neared the end of the current run but hopefully I may be
able to have another go in the future.

With Wordplay presenter Jenny Faulkner!

"The Chase" ITV hosted by Bradley
Chase (series 5) - recorded November 2011 - transmission date Monday 6th
February 2012
I will add info on 'The Chase' in the near
future but here is a basic screenshot as I faced Chaser Anne Hegerty- the
'Governess' on my solo round. She is great fun and it was a memorable
recording. Another team of strangers - me and three ladies met at the
studio but two of the first players were eliminated by 'Frosty
Knickers' and I was determined to do well and racked up £7,000 on my first
round. Then had some fun with Anne, who offered me £30,000 which was
very tempting but I decided to play safe and stick with my £7k pot. My
first question threw me, as it was far too easy and I thought there was a catch
so went completely off track with a 'dumb' answer that often comes out on
many a TV quiz show! It wasn't 'nerves' but a genuine oversight as I only
had a few seconds and maybe a mistake in pressing the wrong choice of the three
answer buttons? It got a laugh and I was then more than happy to blast through
the remaining questions as Anne could not 'chase' so I managed to get back to
the players' podium! Benefit of hindsight would have seen me rack up the
£30k, as I sailed through the other challenges against the Governess.
The other lady- a deputy head from a Manchester
school also managed to rake up £3,000 on her round as well as getting back to
join me for the final round. She was very bright and we did reasonably well and
accumulated 16 points, but not really enough to secure a decent lead.
Sadly, Anne was on form and managed to beat our final score with no decent
fallbacks as she made a couple of mistakes, so we 'lost' our potential £10k
winnings. Never mind- it was a great show and very successful over the last few
years as a superb but basic format with formidable 'Chasers'. Like many
variety artistes, Bradley Walsh makes a superb host and keeps it all going very
smoothly with his humorous approach as well as being on 'our side' against these
giants of the quizzing game. This episode has been repeated since first
transmission and I'm often recognised all over the place as people come and ask
me all about it! Not forgetting the fun of wrong answers - I should have
got them right on the repeats!

Anne Hegerty and Bradley Walsh

November 14th 2012
I travelled up to Glasgow and then onto a studio by the shore
of Loch Lomond for my 28th TV quiz show recording and transmitted 5th February
2013. Channel 4 at 3-30pm.
This is the press release from Objective Productions:
Objective Productions are a well established company with an
impressive record of great shows such as The Cube, Peep Show, Derren Brown and
many more- see their website above
Funnyman Rory Bremner is set to front a new daytime quiz
show made by Objective Scotland. The impressionist will host Channel
4’s Face The Clock where contestants have to figure out how long to stay in
the game – a question which only the audience knows the answer to.
After four nail-biting rounds, the remaining two contestants will then face
off against each other for the chance to walk away with the prize pot.
Paul Murray, co-executive producer, said: “By allowing only the audience at
home to know what time’s in play, it’s an exciting game to watch and an
absolute horror to play.”
Race The Clock will air for the first time next year.
I applied for this latest show
and was selected for the usual audition in Birmingham on the 18th October.
It was a combination of a general knowledge test, interview on camera and a runthrough of the actual game play conducted by the researchers- great bunch of
people and we had a few laughs as usual! TV quiz shows attract thousands
of applicants and only a few are selected for personal interviews around the
country as they arrange auditions in main towns/cities around the UK . They like
to feature a wide range of contestants by location plus a nice mix of contrasting
contestants. It is an achievement to be selected for an audition, based on
sending in the preliminary form and a further one to be chosen to appear.
Then its a case of how well the actual show goes and if the 'right' questions
pop up but with the gambles of being 'kicked out' by fellow players or running
out of time as with many shows.
Within a short time, I received the phone call plus e-mails
to inform me that I had been successful so then looking forward to yet another
outing to take part in this new quiz show. The show has a very good format as the players
compete against each other on quick fire general knowledge questions plus
passing play to other contestants but up against a 'hidden' clock! The
timer can only be seen by the viewer and both the host Rory Bremner and the
players have to take a chance on guessing how much time might be left so having
to keep an eye on how the other players are doing plus any accumulated winnings
that can be 'stolen' when the clock runs out! Very tactical game and great
fun with the added 'pressure' that make for a good entertaining TV quiz show!
As with most shows, I only met some of the other players on arrival at Glasgow
Railway station, with a stopover hotel near to the Dumbarton based studio then the
remaining contestants on the day of the recording- 15th November. There
was no 'friction' as such- just good honest competition and we had some
nice chat before, during and after the recording plus enjoyed the great help and
company of the researchers, production staff etc. As with most 'long
distance' shows, they provided the usual travel expenses, stopover hotel, meal
and snacks/drinks through the recording day.
The studio was a large warehouse and very cold on that November
morning! The
futuristic set had the appearance of 'Tron' and looked very good on the day plus
quite outstanding when seen on the current shows which are now being aired.
Rory Bremner-terrific host and very confident, keeping the pace as well as
having some fun between the recording breaks plus some banter during the actual
game. Unlike many 'celebrity' hosts, Rory took the time to join us in the
Green Room area before the show and chatted to us all, which helped to settle the 'nerves' for
some players- their first ever show! Very friendly guy and one could tell that
the whole production team enjoyed the recording of this brand new TV quiz show
as they interacted with each other.

Rory Bremner
The (warehouse) studio could not be properly heated due to the
massive size but the researchers and production staff helped out in between the
recording breaks with large padded coats and hot water bottles to warm us up! At
least it kept the mind focussed on the game, as opposed to a warmer studio
surrounding plus an early morning slot! Rory appeared on a recent BBC 'One
Show' and mentioned this as well. He was also aware of the players'
backgrounds so we naturally had some fun by trading gags and impressions at each other in
the breaks- he is very talented and one of the finest acts in the UK so it was
all good fun for us all. The game commenced with a variety of questions
and I was reasonably confident when knowing most of the answers throughout the
rounds but having to concentrate on which other player had accumulated their cashpot as this could be 'stolen' by a 'killer pass' when the hidden clock
ran out. Other players were eliminated and I had a rough idea of the
remaining times based on the early selections. However, it is all a gamble
when to pass play to another contestant as you have to think on your feet
with questions, watching other players and their winnings at each stage, not
forgetting the pressure of being timed out when the clock runs out and lands on
the current player!
I managed to get to the last round up against a bright guy
Anthony from the North East- he writes educational text books so I knew that he
would be good from the start of the show and kept him within my sights!
The final 'face-off' was a quick fire round of questions as each player started
with 60 seconds on their own clock which ticked away as we answered each one.
Get questions right and the play passes to the other contestant - get them wrong
or pass, then that clock keeps counting down and this fast furious round was
really good until the very last second as I got my question right but the final
buzzer crashed in just as Rory started to ask the other guy his own question.
He had faltered on a couple of consecutive questions and I thought I had it in
the bag. However, I then stumbled on a couple- including one on the erotic
'Fifty Shades Of Grey' novel which is hardly my kind of reading! It was
all over too soon so I bade farewell and headed back to the Green Room with the
other players who had been eliminated plus others who were waiting for their own
show later in the day (I think they recorded 3 or 4 shows per day)
Commiserations all round and then Anthony played his final countdown of a 60
second time to answer 5 questions for his accumulated winnings of £1800.
As the clock ticked down, the money reduced and dropped down and needed the
right answers and quickly. Sadly, his clock ran out so no money was left
for him. Ironically, having just watched the actual transmission, I would
have won the whole lot! Grrrrrrrrrrrr.....never mind, as it was
great fun as usual and I am proud to have made the final, as opposed to being
knocked out in the early stages so it gives the incentive to try again on yet
another TV quiz show! Watch this space...
On my way out to be
taken back to Glasgow for the train, one of the production staff approached me
as he picked up on my interview with Rory on the subject of my early Southampton
years in showbusiness- back to the late 50s when I started singing at rock n
roll dances followed by my 60s pop group years. It transpired that he is a
distant relative and I'm hoping to hear from him sometime. You never know what
will come out of anything in life and if YOU fancy a crack at any TV quiz shows
then good luck to you! We might even face each other on a studio
floor somewhere....
Tuesday 12th February2013A local Midlands newspaper
ran a story on my TV appearances and this got picked up by the national
press with features in the Daily Mail, The Sun, Daily Express, Telegraph and
websites across the world! Followed by radio interviews and possible TV
follow-ups sp come on back soon. Just Google 'david st john tv quiz' and
you'll find many links.
There was some confusion over the actual number of shows which I
had numbered as 27 so far, but I had overlooked a 2001 show called
'Defectors' which was recorded at Maidstone Studios in Kent and hosted by
Richard Ord. It only aired on the early Challenge TV channel and I had no
recordings of it, simply not having Sky channels at that time. I also
thought that it been dropped for some reason but I have just discovered a
letter from the producer and thanking me for my participation! So - it is
28 TV quiz shows but if one takes into consideration of my coming back for a
'returning' champion then the appearances go up to the early 30s. My
apologies to the press outlets as the printed list of shows indicated 27.
I also laughed at the derogatory 'comments' on the odd online
feedback forums etc (semi-trolls) as many criticised my long grey hair - how
dare a 64 year old grandfather have such a mop! They overlooked the actual
story as well as trying to 'belittle' me on only raking up around £5k in
prize money over the last 30 years. However, these deluded (probably
jealous) detractors failed to realise that many early shows had small
budgets and main prizes, unlike recent years where the potential winnings
have shot up due to lowering of restrictions and higher advertising revenue
plus many premium line 'phone-ins'. Let THEM have a go and try to emulate
my successes, instead of spouting their relatively anonymous verbal
diarrhoea! I have also had spin-offs, including a fantastic all expenses
paid fortnight when flown out to Melbourne for the international 'Sale Of
The Century - Ashes' as part of the G.B. team of champions (my first every
show!) and you can read all about it above. Cathay Pacific 747- business
class plus half a day sightseeing around Hong Kong plus VIP treatment on
arrival at the airport with Rolls Royce and limos taking us to the hotel
then studio for the recording. Got to be worth a few grand on top of the
1982 mopeds then valued at £850- how much in today’s prices? Or, in 1998,
when Thomson Cruises were looking for an unusual twist and booked me for a
short Caribbean cruise as comedian/quizmaster- comedy cabaret spots plus
hosting a fun quiz and talking about my experiences in this kind of TV show.
Following the national press interest, I have had several radio
phone-ins and future slots as well as follow up articles now pending
publication. It seems that people are hooked on TV quiz shows. More news
to follow soon, I'm sure.............see the press articles below

Southampton Echo September 2012
Chronicle (Midlands) January 2013
Express & Star (Wolverhampton/Midlands)

Tuesday 12th February 2013 - national press- Daily Mail followed
(The TV quiz show list? Not really a 'loser' but mostly

Daily Mail- Prime Feature page 18th February 2013
Reporter- Frances Hardy
(I wonder who forgot to spellcheck the first header?)
Also followed up by radio interviews with italkFM Marbella
and Talk Europe Malaga (Spain) plus BBC Wales (Cardiff) BBC WM
(Birmingham) Radio 4 'Saturday Live'
Seems that someone else was into TV quiz shows-a
chap called Simon Cowell on 'Sale Of The Century' 1990. I wonder
what happened to him?

If you know him- then let him know that I would
like to face him in a TV quiz...................
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