SITE MAP-          DAVID ST. JOHN    

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Please note that many images contained within this website may be subject to copyright, although many have been kindly sent to me and intended to be shared on this non commercial outlet.  If anybody wishes to use any of the same, then please get in touch as well as possibly giving credit where due as well as setting up reciprocal links if relevant to the actual content on any webpage. I would appreciate any contact to report broken/outdated links and any corrections to the text that accompanies any images herein.  Thank you and enjoy!

Home Page                                    Home page - the gateway to much more!

Author Page                                   New for 2020 - Check out books published via Amazon

Variety                                           Learn about the various styles of entertainment on offer- comedy and much more

DSJ Midlands                               Dedicated webpage for local area bookings

Speaking engagements                  Additional information that covers two different talks about David St John's showbusiness career as well his unusual TV quiz show profile

Yours Quizzically                          Read about 'Britain's Most Prolific TV Quiz Show Contestant' A Guinness World Record Holder too! Available as an e-book via Kindle/Amazon

Back To The Sixties!                     Live themed unique show as a year by year look back at the 60s in song, comedy, trivia and a lot more.  A real Party Night

Blog 2009                                        First annual blog of different stories, news events over 2009

Blog 2010                                        Continuation of above

Blog 2011                                        Another year in progress

Blog 2012                                        The story carries on

Blog 2013                                        What's going on for another 12 months.   

Blog 2014                                        More news etc

Blog 2015                                        Not a busy blog.  Didnt bother with 2016 on!

Links                                               Dedicated links page on many associated themes

TV Quiz Shows                              A very successful contestant on 30 TV quiz shows since 1982

TV Quizzer                                    Images and  info on David St John- 'Britain's Most Prolific Quizzer'

Sale of the Century                       1982 - the first show!

Sale of the Century Oz                 1986 - the second show Down Under

The Rovers Return Pub Quiz       2006 - live quiz show from Coronation Street!

Eggheads                                        David and fellow comedians take on the best TV quizzers in the land!

Biography                                       This page gives an insight into David's background in entertainment - links to:

Southern Roots                               A 'taste' of an amazing encyclopaedia that catalogued the Hampshire music scene of the late Fifties to early Eighties. Linked to the following webpages below:

Call Up The Groups 1                    Memories of the Southampton pop group scene

Call Up The Groups 2                    The story continues with this new page added April 2008

Call Up The Groups 3                    July 2008 - yet more great memories of the Southampton 60s music scene

Call Up The Groups 4                    October 2008 and a new chapter in the continuing story of the music makers.

Call Up The Groups 5                    December 2008 - the story continues with more nostalgia and flavour of the Swinging Sixties

Call Up The Groups 6                    May 2009 and another new page full of amazing memories + Manfred Mann info

Call Up The Groups 7                    July 2009 with info/pics on another terrific group

Call Up The Groups 8                    August 2009 - the stories are  rolling on!  More groups and nostalgic images/memories of a great era

Call Up The Groups 9                    September 2009 and hot on the heels of the last one

Call Up The Groups 10                  February 2010 with a new page - short but will be extended as and when new material surfaces

Call Up The Groups 11                 The Beatles tour of 1963 hits Southampton twice in the year!

Call Up The Groups 12                 January 2011- the story continues.........

Call Up The Groups 13                 July 2011- more goodies from a Golden Age

Call Up The Groups 14                 Yet another page of 60s musical goodies (February 2012)

Call Up The Groups 15                 Read about a Titanic connection and two well known bandleaders from the 1930s! Founding fathers of popular music!

Call Up The Groups 16                 2013- another new page following on from the above webpages  

Call Up The Groups 17                 May 2013- even more memories of the Sixties scene 

Call Up The Groups 18                 2017 - read about a Hampshire 'legend' in the world wide music scene!

Call Up The Groups 19                 2021 a long awaited webpage that opens with a tribute to the Ford Social Club Southampton

Itchen Grammar School               Read about my schooldays and tribute to a great Southampton Grammar School- now Itchen College                               

Eddie Harnett                                A personal tribute to a great pal and musician

Ricky and the Hi-Lites                  One of the finest bands out of Southampton

Hi-Lites Continued                         More rare photos and memories of Rick Brown and co

Hi-Lites Early Years                      A personal account of original Hilite Malc' Steve' Dimmer 1959-63 added April 2008

Brownhills Stamp Duty                   2006 reunion of Rick Brown's lineup

Tex Roberg                                     A legend of the Southampton music scene and an old pal of the Beatles in their Hamburg days!

Tony Benson & the Skylanes        Early 60s R&B band who changed their name to become:

The MeddyEvils                              Very popular group who nearly made it big!  Loads of photos and memories of this much loved band

Bob Pearce                                      King of the Blues!  Read about Southampton's own R&B export

Ten Feet Five                                 Read about Andover's finest bands linked to a world conquering group!

The Royal Pier                               A nostalgic look at one of Southampton's favourite landmarks

Royal Pier Memories                     Looking back at some of the pop groups and singers who trod these boards

Royal Pier Re-Visited                    Live 60s music back at the Royal Pier after some 30 years!

Reg Calvert                                    Insight into an amazing promoter, including family recollections.               

Pete Broyd                                      Read all about one of the early Pier singers who is also featured in other pages

Venues                                            A page full of well known Southampton music venues that featured many of the bands on this website

The Silhouette Club                       Fascinating story of Brian 'Kiwi' Adamson and one of Southampton's best known nightclub of the 60s/70s

Barrie James                                  More great memories from a popular local 'star'.  Great insight into the 60s

Henrys Records                              Southampton's finest independent record store -  a nostalgic look back

Winchester Lido Ballroom            Another great venue for 60s bands and much more

Winchester Lido Story                 An amazing tale of early business deals at this well known venue

The Concorde Club                       This Southampton music venue celebrates its 50th birthday!  Read about the rock legends that have appeared there

Concorde Jazz Special                  A tribute night to Ken Maxwell, one of the South's great jazz musicians.  A report and background plus jazz links

Back to the Sixties!                       Read about the amazing Re-Union night at the Concorde Club  Friday Feb 8th 2008!      

Back to the Sixties 2!                    2009             The follow up show to 2008 (above)  

Back to the Sixties 2 Photos         A selection of extra photos taken at the 2009 Concorde show as above      

Back to the Sixties 3!                    2010   The third Re-Union night back at the Concorde Club         

Back To The Sixties 4!                 2011 back by public demand   - the fourth year 

Back To The Sixties 5!                 2012  Five years and well established.  

Back To The Sixties 6!                  2013 An unmissable evening featuring the cream of Southampton 60s music makers. 

Back To The Sixties 7!                  2014 Once again-the best Sixties Night Out in the area -featuring Mungo Jerry!      

Back To The Sixties 8!                 2015 This time- extended to the 70s as well- plus another amazing visiting group from the USA!   

Back To The Sixties 9!                 2016  Welcome return of Mungo Jerry! Plus great support acts so early booking is strongly recommended.    

Back To The Sixties 10!               2017 Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Concorde Club with our 10th annual show. Terrific line-up of the best local music-makers

Back To The Sixties11!                2018 show featuring one of Southampton's finest groups and full supporting show as always 

Back To The Sixties 12!               2019 Back again for another amazing night of nostalgia with the cream of local Hampshire bands, singers and DJs 

Back To The Sixties 13!               2022  Third rescheduled show following the Covid catastrophe

Back To The Sixties 14!               2023  (March) yet another amazing show  

Back To The 60s/70s/80s  (15)     2023  A revamped Retro Show with music across the 3 decades. 3 live groups and DJs      

Back To The 60s/70s/80s  16!       2024  Friday 8th November Once again -  the best show in town  at the best price 

Back To The 60s Special               2025  5unday 3rd August  afternoon show featuring Toast and David St John.  Themed Sixties performance of music and comedy - look forward to seeing some of the audience dressed for the occasion                                                        

The Wranglers                              Late 1950s Southampton group with a difference!

Heinz Burt                                     A tribute to a 60s Southampton star who found fame with the Tornados of 'Telstar' fame plus solo success.

The Solo Years Part 1                  David goes solo!  A nostalgic look back at 1972-73

The Solo Years Part 2                  Goodbye UK - Hello North Africa!             1973-74

The Solo Years Part 3                  Across the Mediterranean to a new challenge 1974

Turns                                             A look back at some fellow entertainers from the Seventies

Bobby Hanna                                Profile of a great talent and a good pal from 1972

Photogallery                                 This page contains showbusiness photos and stories including:

Blondie                                         David meets 'Debbie Harry'!

Goodfellas                                   A brush with the Mafia......

The Move                                    David meets and photographs the Move pop group

Chuck Berry                                David meets one of his idols back in 1965!

Simon Scott                                  Supporting act for Stones, Chuck Berry and many more.  Managed by Robert Stigwood in 1964 and linked to some great recordings.

Marty Wilde                                A personal tribute and memories of meeting this amazing Rock and Roll Star

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